Team - $90
Check-in/Breakfast/Networking/Warm-ups: 7:00am
Round Robin Start: 8:00am - 10:00am
Playoffs: 10:00am-11:00am
Awards/Raffle: 11:00am-12:00pm
Royal Court Pickleball
15892 S Rockwell Park Cove,
Herriman, UT 84065
We will be awarding prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd this year.
Sponsoring The Point Classic will showcase your business to a network of like-minded professionals, all eager to enjoy a great experience together!
Headline sponsor on t-shirts, all communications, banners and tables. Opportunity to host a table at registration to connect with players. Prominent placement of your name/logo on the swag bag. Opportunity to address the group during the awards ceremony. Includes court sponsorship.
Premium placement on t-shirts, all communications, banners and breakfast area. Recognition during the awards ceremony. Includes court sponsorship.
Placement on t-shirts, and snack station. Opportunity to connect with players at snack station. Recognition during the awards ceremony.
Placement on t-shirts, and drink station. Opportunity to connect with players at drink station. Recognition during the awards ceremony.
Placement of logo banners on fences around the assigned court. Opportunity to connect with players at the assigned court. Logo placement on t-shirts. Recognition during awards.
Placement of logo on t-shirts. Each attendee will receive a t-shirt
Logo on t-shirts. Recognition during raffle.
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